During what season should gutters be cleaned?

Gutters provide essential protection against water damage, but only if they remain clear of clogs. Knowing when to schedule gutter cleanings helps ensure they function properly year-round. Ideal cleaning timing depends on the climate, tree types, and seasonal weather conditions in your area. With some planning and observation, you determine the optimal times to maintain clean gutters.


For most regions, fall is the crux gutter cleaning season. That’s when trees shed a huge volume of leaves that quickly amass to clog gutters. Evergreen needles also flock into gutters at this time of year. Aim to clean gutters in early fall immediately after the trees are bare. It prevents buildup from compacting during winter weather and would be more challenging to remove later. In regions with mainly deciduous trees, one fall cleaning suffices if winters remain cold. But schedule a second fall cleaning if minimal leaves still landed in gutters after the first round.

Early spring

After a long winter, spring’s first thaws fill gutters with mucky leaf debris collected over the dormant season. If you failed to clear gutters in late fall, plan spring cleaning immediately after winter temperatures stabilize above freezing. Power wash to break up compacted decaying leaves and clear all winter buildup before spring rains arrive. Ice dams also indicate gutters need cleaning after winter.


Some regions benefit from a second power washing in mid-spring. This follow-up cleaning ensures any residual debris shed by trees in early spring gets removed before heavier rains begin. Conifers and evergreens continue dropping needles in spring, so a refresher cleaning keeps their gutters primed. Fruit tree blossoms and pollen also quickly clog gutters that were clear after initial spring cleaning.


Summer gutter cleaning near me is ideal for regions with heavy deciduous tree coverage like maple, oak, cottonwood, magnolia, and tupelo. Though gutters remain clear in spring, they re-clog with leaves, blossoms, helicopter seeds, and debris during summer. Schedule a mid-summer cleaning to clear out this new accumulation, especially if downpours linger into summer. For desert climates lacking the leaf factor, an annual summer cleaning effectively maintains clear gutters.

After severe weather

Following hurricanes, tropical storms, wind storms, hail storms, or intense thunderstorms, inspect gutters for damage and debris. Storms often fill gutters with leaves and twigs that overwhelm already compromised drainage. Neglecting post-storm cleaning invites overflow issues. Severe summer and fall storms also warrant re-examination to clear new debris. Do a post-storm walk around to spot any trees shed directly into gutters. Even if you already cleaned gutters this season, storms necessitate an extra visit.

Assess necessity

Consider blindly cleaning on a fixed twice-a-year schedule an outdated approach. Today’s accurate weather apps provide hyperlocal data to smartly time cleanings. Observe forecasts for your specific area and upcoming weather patterns. Monitor trees on-site to anticipate debris cycles. Adjust cleanings according to real needs versus the calendar. Why clean gutters in April if March saw no leaf accumulation yet? Customize scheduling around your home’s situation. Maximize effectiveness through precision cleanings when clogs begin threatening your gutters’ performance. Protect your most valuable asset against seasonal weather changes by adapting to them.